Friday, December 14, 2012

Describe your game...

What will your game look like..

My game is going to be about polar bears and their habitats, I feel like this is a big deal and not many people know about them and what they go through. Many polar bears have to swim so many miles just to try and find a piece of ice.
My background will have different polar bears in them or different types of ice and showing polar bears while they are in their habitats. And maybe I will also add some of the polar bears cubs.

The kind of objects I will hide is parts of ice and glaciers that polar bears need. And after you find a certain amount of pieces you will create a whole glacier and help the polar bears with their habitats.
Also, yes, I am going to have bright colors, any animations, and sounds. Maybe the sun since many things are causing the polar bears to lose their habitats including global warming. Also, water is going to be a bright blue color. I will also have an animated game. And I might have some sounds of what kind of noises polar bears make.

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